Salam Sejahtera bagi kita semua.
Setelah sekian lama tak nge-Blog, kangen juga sama Blogger. Pas banget saat ini saya juga memiliki gagasan dan perencanaan sebuah usaha yang mengunutngkan.
Oke, langsung saja........Bagi para Funder (Investor)
Dan untuk teman-teman blogger, tolong informasinya.
Saya Bagus (Yoshie), saat ini tengah mencari Investor yang mau untuk mendanai Rencana (Program Usaha) saya. Dan usaha yang tengah saya rencanakan saat ini adalah warnet & game online.
Letak di wilayah Solo, Jawa Tengah. Bagi anda yang berminat, akan saya kirim rancangan dan perhitungan yang dibutuhkan.
Pada saat ini sampai lebih kurang 6 tahun mendatang, bisnis ini masih sangat menguntungkan.
Dengan pemasukan 350.000 per hari
Dan dalam satu bulan bisa mencapai Rp 10.500.000,-
Ini sudah saya perhitungkan semenjak 5 tahun menjadi operator Salah satu warnet di Solo dan Surabaya.
Dan untuk garis besarnya, saya butuh dana 60 juta.
Untuk lebih meyakinkan, saya sekarang memiliki Sebuah usaha yaitu Toko Listrik & Electronik. Didaerah Semanggi, Solo, Jawa Tengah.
Bila anda salah satu Dari Investor yang berminat, bisa hubungi ke
FB: Laurent Van Joshe
No. Telp: 08972007742 (Selalu OnLine) Sms & Telp
Pada halaman muka blog saya sudah terdapat account Facebook saya.
Demikian sekiranya tentang Rencana Warnet saya.
Terima Kasih, Tuhan Memberkati.
Shalom to all of us.
After so long not blogging, I feel missed by Blogger. Very fitting at this time I also had the idea and planning a profitable business.
Okay, just ........ For the Funder (Investor)
And for friends bloggers, please information.
My name is Yoshie, is currently seeking investors who are willing tofund the Plan (Program) me. And that was my business plan right now is internet cafes & games online.
Location in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia. For those of you who are interested, I'll send the draft and the required calculations.
At this time until approximately the next 6 years, is still a veryprofitable business.
With revenues 350,000 per day
And in one month can reach Rp 10,500,000, -
It's been 5 years since my account into one internet cafe operatorin Solo and Surabaya.
And for the basics, I need a fund of 60 million.
To be sure, I now have a business of Electrical & ElectronicStores. Semanggi area, Solo, Central Java.
If you are one of investors who are interested, can call into
FB: Laurent Van Joshe
Mobile: +628972007742 (Always OnLine) Sms & Phone
On the home page of my blog already have badges of my Facebook account.
Similarly, if the plan my Internet cafes.
Thank You, God Bless.
After so long not blogging, I feel missed by Blogger. Very fitting at this time I also had the idea and planning a profitable business.
Okay, just ........ For the Funder (Investor)
And for friends bloggers, please information.
My name is Yoshie, is currently seeking investors who are willing tofund the Plan (Program) me. And that was my business plan right now is internet cafes & games online.
Location in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia. For those of you who are interested, I'll send the draft and the required calculations.
At this time until approximately the next 6 years, is still a veryprofitable business.
With revenues 350,000 per day
And in one month can reach Rp 10,500,000, -
It's been 5 years since my account into one internet cafe operatorin Solo and Surabaya.
And for the basics, I need a fund of 60 million.
To be sure, I now have a business of Electrical & ElectronicStores. Semanggi area, Solo, Central Java.
If you are one of investors who are interested, can call into
FB: Laurent Van Joshe
Mobile: +628972007742 (Always OnLine) Sms & Phone
On the home page of my blog already have badges of my Facebook account.
Similarly, if the plan my Internet cafes.
Thank You, God Bless.
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